Sponsorship Opportunities
*restricted to confirmed exhibitors
September 17, 19.00-22.00 pm on the exhibition floor
This option is limited to one company
Sponsor the networking dinner as a Conference highlight – a unique opportunity to welcome a wide audience of attendees. Networking is key, and you as the sponsor can benefit from the presence of this audience:
- Roll-up banners, branded napkins or other marketing material can be provided by the sponsor
- The networking dinner will be communicated with the subheading ‘sponsored by YOUR COMPANY’ on the conference website, on the dedicated welcome reception webpage, EPA’s LinkedIn page and on rotating slides between sessions
- The sponsors can project their logo by means of a Gobo
- Your logo will be included on the printed menu
25,000€ excl VAT
September 16, 18.00-20.00 pm on the exhibition floor
This option is limited to one company
At the end of the exhibition set-up, exhibitors and early arrivers will appreciate a refreshing and sociable reception on the exhibition floor, which will additionally boost visibility for all exhibitors. Networking is key, and you as the reception sponsor will additionally benefit from the presence of this audience:
- Roll-up banners, branded napkins or other marketing material can be provided by the sponsor
- The Welcome Reception will be communicated with the subheading ‘sponsored by YOUR COMPANY’ on the Conference website, on the dedicated welcome reception webpage, EPA’s LinkedIn page and on rotating slides between sessions.
15,000€ excl VAT
Your own workshop
In order to support your goals, you have the opportunity to organize your own 30min company workshop/training/presentation session in a dedicated area or meeting room near the exhibition.
The space with furniture and AV equipment (screen and beamer, sound system) will be provided. The Workshop will be marketed via the Conference website and the program.
5,000€ excl VAT
Lunch Breaks in the exhibition areas
Lunch breaks are scheduled in the exhibition area and represent an important time for participants to gather and to engage in animated discussions.
Please note that:
- Your support to a lunch break will be highlighted in the program, on the Conference website (logo), and on rotating slides into the session rooms
- Branding on the food station can be provided
- Roll-up banners and/or branded napkins can be provided by the sponsor
- The allocation of breaks will be done on a first come first served basis
4,500€ excl VAT
Coffee Breaks in the exhibition areas
Coffee breaks, scheduled during specific times in the exhibition area, will represent an important time for participants to gather and to engage in animated discussions between sessions.
Please note that:
- Your support to the coffee breaks will be highlighted on the Conference website (logo) and via rotating slides into the session rooms
- Branding on the food station can be provided
- Roll-up banners and/or branded napkins can be provided by the sponsor
The allocation of breaks will be done on a first come first served basis.
Price per coffee break.
Interested in sponsoring a permanent coffee break? A personalized offer can be created for you based on the day and duration of the break.
3,500€ excl VAT
Sustainability is part of your company strategy and objective and you would like to sponsor the carbon-neutral certification of the 21st European Parking Conference and Exhibition. Support EPA with this objective and be mentioned on the dedicated sustainability page which will be created on the Conference website, and be also visible on every communication related to the sustainability approach EPA is implementing within the association. When official certification and stamp will be received, the sponsor will also be mentioned and stated into that dedicated communication via mailings.